Coaching Badges

Coaching Badges - What are they?

Coaching Badges are designed to recognise, reward, and incentivise ongoing learning and professional development. Coaches can earn Coaching Badges by successfully completing relevant training and educational courses and accumulating Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points.

The level of Coaching Badge a coach attains is determined by the number of CPD points they accrue in a single period. Higher-level badges showcase a coach’s ongoing commitment to excellence.

Bronze Badge
Achieve 50 CPDs in a single period. 

Silver Badge
Achieve 250 CPDs in a single period.

Gold Badge
Achieve 500 CPDs in a single period.


Coaching Badges (and the CPD Program) aim to contribute to the success of the sport of athletics through three key pillars:

  1. To recognise coaches who have engaged in ongoing learning and continued their development as a coach.

  2. To increase the availability of coach education materials, to support a more informed and capable coaching workforce. 

  3. To assist athletes and clubs identify coaches who remain current and stay up-to-date. 


Start Earing CPD Points

To get started, log into the Athletics Learning Centre and explore our course library. Here, you will find a comprehensive list of free, online courses, all of which will automatically award CPD points upon completion.

Additionally, coaches can earn CPD points by completing educational programs offered by external service providers. These include:

  • First aid and CPR courses

  • Sport Integrity Australia courses

  • Special Olympics courses

  • Bachelor and post-graduate degrees

  • Professional certificates

  • Mentoring

To ensure your receive CPD points for external programs, kindly upload your certificate to the Athletics Learning Centre or send it via email to the Coach Education team.

Recommended Training Pathways

If you're unsure which courses are relevant to your coaching context, we highly encourage your to refer to the Recommended Training Pathways below. These pathways include a selection of courses tailored to coaches who with athletes in specific age/ability groups: Youth (ages 3-12), Development (ages 12-15), and Performance (ages 15+).

Please note - your learning pathway is entirely flexible and self-directed. You are encouraged to pursue any training or education that aligns with your interests or is relevant to your coaching context.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Do coaching badges effect my coaching accreditation and/or insurance?
    No. Your badges will not affect your level of accreditation or your insurance coverage.

  • Where will my badge appear?
    Your badge will appear on your Athletics Learning Centre page and your public coaching profile.

  • What happens at the end of the current CPD period?
    On September 1, 2025 a new CPD period will begin. Your CPD point total will be refreshed and you will be required to complete new courses to reobtain your coaching badges. 
    Note: A historical record of your highest level of badge obtained for each CPD period will be kept on your profile.

Interested in Becoming a CPD Provider?

Do you (or your organisation) provide formal education that is relevant to Australian Athletics coaches? 

We invite you to contact us and express your interest in becoming a CPD provider.

Need Further Assistance?

Please contact us.